When dividing decimals, it can be helpful to use a place-value chart to align the numbers properly and then apply long division techniques to determine the result.For example, if we have 13.34 ÷ 4.6
Multiply both the divisor (4.6) and the dividend (13.34) by 10 to eliminate the decimal in the divisor. This gives us 133.4 ÷ 46
Set up a long division equation by placing 133.4 under the division bar and 46 outside
Begin by estimating how many times 46 can go into the first few digits of the dividend (133). In this case, 46 goes into 133 less than 2 times
Multiply 46 by 2 to get 92. Subtract 92 from 133, leaving you with 41. Bring down the next digit (4), making it 414
Now, determine how many times 46 goes into 414, which is 9 times
Move the decimal place to the right once, since we moved it left to start. Therefore, the answer is 2.9